-Raised and rotated on 100% pasture, fed no grains.
We specifically chose to raise Randall cattle as our primary beef breed because of their excellent foraging ability and award-winning flavor. We raise them exclusively on grass without any grain. This produces a very lean beef with intense flavor.
The health benefits of 100% grass-fed/grass-finished vs. grain-finished beef is 300-500% higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid(CLU), which is said to help curb hunger, help in fat loss, lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, higher omega 3 fatty acids, higher very-long chain fatty acids and higher levels of vitamin C & B to name a few.
The cows on Grid Iron Hill Farm are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished. We practice a method called rotational grazing where we move the herd to fresh pasture regularly to ensure proper health of the animal and soil. With this method we are able to naturally keep the parasite load low.
They are fed kelp, diatomacious earth, apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay to aide in parasite prevention and immunity support.
Randall cattle - We are proud to have our own small herd of Randall cattle at Grid Iron Hill Farm. These cattle are characterized as a hardy but rare breed of cattle with good resistance to disease and parasites. They are the perfect breed of dairy cattle for small homesteads and farms. The breed almost went extinct in the 1980s, but has since been brought back from fewer than twenty animals to over 200. They are still classified as “critical” by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, so we take the best care of these cows in an effort to help bring the breed back to life.
The Randall cattle have a very unique color pattern classified as “colorsided”, similar to linebacked breeds of cattle. The predominant color is black or blue/black over white. Their hardiness as a breed makes them the ideal cow for small-scale dairying, homesteads, or a family cow. They don’t need much concentrated feed since they are aggressive foragers and can be milked in all seasons. They also excel as beef animals because they can finish well on grass alone, producing a healthier and more organic meat.