It’s not just good food, it’s the foundation for great health.
Welcome to
Grid Iron Hill Farm
Hi, I’m Leigh
I’m Just a mom trying to raise high-quality, nutrient-dense foods for my family and yours.
Does the stress of keeping up with food research and searching out farms that meet your standards get so overwhelming? Do you feel like giving up because it seems too confusing? Does the task of driving hours to find the right farm make it very inconvenient? I know!! I was there!!
Back in 2007 I went on a search for quality foods that I could feed my family. I didn’t want factory-raised foods that were cheap to grow; I didn’t want shortcuts. I didn’t want the stress of those animals, living in those horrible conditions, to be carried in those meats to then be consumed by my family. I wanted better and I knew there was better. Foods that were grown and raised with methods that most relate to how the animal was created and designed, I knew would produce a far superior product and in return nourish my family much better.
Feeding my family simply wasn’t enough, I wanted to support growing bodies so we could be strong and healthy.
So, I set out to begin raising and growing that food for my family, and then several other families started asking me to raise their foods as well.
If you wouldn’t trust a random stranger to babysit your kids, why would you trust one to feed your family? Know your farmer, know their farm.
Together with my husband, 7 children, and amazing parents, we raise the animals and work the gardens here on Grid Iron Hill Farm.
We specialize in growing high-quality, nutrient-dense beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkeys, eggs and seasonal produce for our family and the community. We raise all our animals out on pasture and in the woods in a rotational grazing system. None of our animals are ever routinely given any antibiotics, steroids, vaccines, or hormones. All grains fed to our animals are tested free of chemicals and non-GMO.
We believe that if we focus on quality of life versus the quantity of animals we produce that we are showing respect for the animals that God created us to tend.
“Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herd.” Proverbs 27:23
Through Grid Iron Hill Farm, we want to provide our community and family with an excellent quality of food so we rely less on factory farms and more on small family farms.
“That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all their toil- this is the gift of God.” Ecclesiastes 3:13
Grid Iron Hill Farm is a multi-generational, family-owned, 130+ acre farm located in Havre de Grace, MD.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8